The Hongkong Prize

The Hongkong Prize

Hong Kong Prize

To promote research of Hongkong-related topics among undergraduate and postgraduate students, the Department of History has introduced the Hong Kong Prize award. This prestigious recognition honours research that explores new theories or concepts concerning Hong Kong history or its relationships to China or Asia.

Winner of the inaugural Hongkong Prize will receive a cash award of HK$10,000, as well as certificates and trophies. Additionally, an exhibition featuring all winning works will take place at Hong Kong Palace Museum.

A global group of scholars have selected five Hongkongers as nominees for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize: Jimmy Lai, Chow Hang-tung, Lee Cheuk-yan, Gwyneth Ho and Joshua Wong have been nominated by scholars as having shown outstanding dedication towards protecting freedoms and fighting for democracy in Hong Kong, according to scholars.

At the award ceremony, in addition to honoring winners, attendees will also gain insight into their research journeys through an exhibition curated by Hong Kong Science Museum that aims to educate visitors about these Shaw Laureates’ fascinating research experiences.

BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize was first created in 2022 with sponsorship by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, as per its official website. The Board, comprising Review Committee members and Compliance Oversight Team members, serves as its highest decision-making body; their duties include reviewing and interpreting its Charter; suggesting important scientific research fields for consideration at THE PRIZE; appointing members of Review Committee/ Compliance Oversight Team/Nominating Expert Committee members/ Setting Requirements for Nominating Experts/Verifying/approveing final review results/ and other related tasks related tasks related to its creation/.

The Hongkong Prize will recognize individuals or organizations who have contributed significantly to enhancing Hong Kong’s international cooperation role and image on an international scale. Each year it will be given out at an award ceremony attended by representatives from both the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and sponsoring enterprises.

During Hong Kong’s 2019 pro-Beijing protests, public facilities such as subway stations, traffic lights and street lamps were vandalized by anti-government demonstrators who engaged in vandalism against public facilities like subway stations, traffic lights and street lamps. Anti-government activists attacked police with stones. Some even attacked and attacked them themselves before throwing stones at them! Many Chinese netizens were outraged to learn that Pulitzer Prize 2020’s Breaking News Photography Award went to Reuters without providing balanced reporting about these riots.

Generocity, a local charity organization, in cooperation with the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions and University of Hong Kong has organized this annual prize since 2013. Eligible applicants include full-time and part-time staff of FTUHK as well as their spouses and children, both full-time staff of FTUHK (full time or part time), their spouses or children; each submission consists of video footage no more than two minutes long and 500 words for essay submissions about why each applicant deserves to win this award – each submission will be assessed by an expert panel before an announcement at special event in autumn in October!